
quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

Lovers. Love. Forever...

"Our eyes even marked trees and leaves as mutual possessions. That's not to say we didn't own the sky either. In fact, the world lived because we were in it. I miss you but we are obviously incompatible. I think of you sometimes, usually if I'm having a bad day or if my nostalgic head implores to relive moments we've shared together. But now you occupy that large space where failed romances go. Yeah it's a large space, and will keep increasing in size. I wish your memory wasn't so vague, but I understand that time plays with shapes and words. Do you continue to dream of me? Or are you too proud to admit that i'm one of your last thoughts when you sleep at night? Come back to my dreams, I won't deny my bed feels empty without you, or that an icy loneliness hovers over me like the night you repeatedly ignored my calls because you didn't want me to stop calling you. Now ask anyone and they will tell you that you're quite ordinary. To understand you, I have to undress every layer which others have seen from the layers you kept exclusive for me to touch. I know you came into my life but now you have left as a different person. I am still with you though I can't go with you. You will be remembered as someone I rendered impossible to exist; as flawless as the night my heart nervously eloped with yours. The rapid minutes engulfing our lives continue to divide an enduring past from our incomplete future, and I am reminded we are nothing more than memories. You were good in your time, sweet girl.We may be too young to believe in forever; but we can confirm love's existence.These are my last phrases to you.I thank you, immensely. "


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