
quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2008

Make a move

" Lucas: There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroad, afraid, confused, without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back... "

I would walk so much more... i would be so much more... for my friends, everything... for you: ANYTHING!

Dos fracos não reza a história.

Um comentário:

mmp disse...

Oh! i miss u so much, tenho tantas saudades quando trocavamos as nossas frases e textos consoante o espirito e cada uma!! que saudades, fazes falta aqui cheer! i miss you sacana cheer!

The more I see the less I know
The more I like to let it go' hey oh

(encontrei nas minhas frases lol)